If you are having issues with paypal, please try some of the following options below.
- If you make multiple attempt to purchase views you may receive the error "Sorry - your last action could not be completed". To resolve this issue, you can either try to use a different web browser or clear your browser cookies and cache.
- You can use This link to checkout. Simply enter dollar amount for the amount of views you wanted. E.X if you wanted to purchase 2,500 views at $7, enter $7 for the quantity. After payment, please contact us and provide your video url and your paypal email address so we can process your order.
Not a problem! You do not need a paypal account to checkout using paypal as a payment processor, simply select "don't have a Paypal account?" after hitting checkout. You will see multiple fields to enter any credit/debit card.
If you are having other issues checking out, please contact us for further assistance.